Watch our Patient Spotlight Interview with Brandy

Brandy Ingram’s life changed in 2004, when she was hit by an 18-wheeler. For the next two decades, she lived in pain.

As a mother of seven, a grandmother to four, and a plumber, her once-active life became impossible. Then, just this last March, she turned to Church Health—and her story changed overnight.

By the time Brandy sought help at Church Health, she’d tried therapy, medications and simply patience. But nearly 20 years went by … and her condition only worsened.

“Brandy had been hurt for so long, she didn’t know what it was like not to hurt,” recalled Kevin Gibson, her physical therapist at Church Health.

We connected Brandy to a volunteer orthopedic surgeon who performed desperately needed hip replacement. Now, she works diligently alongside Kevin, who monitors her progress and cheers her along every step of the way.

“I’m going to get to do what I wanted to do for almost 20 years,” Brandy told us “Swim against the current … ride bikes with my grandbabies … chase after my younger kids.”

“I haven’t been able to do that, and now I can. This place has been a godsend for my family.”

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