Spiritual Care

Church Health is committed to helping people thrive in body, mind and spirit and experience lives of dignity and joy. Church Health provides spiritual care counseling to help you faithfully create habits to know fullness of life.

Our spiritual care team works closely with our providers and staff to offer prayer, support and spiritual encouragement for people of all faith backgrounds.

How is your Spiritual Health?

We understand that health is more than just the absence of disease, that’s why Church Health offers our patients spiritual care support through our weekly chapel services, prayer partner program, and spiritual care providers.

Join us for chapel service or speak to your provider about meeting with our Spiritual Care Team during your next visit.

Prayer Requests

How can we pray for you? If you would like to submit a prayer request, please complete the form below to have our spiritual care team contact you and discuss your prayer needs.

Where Do You Worship?

We're able to best serve our neighbors in need because of the support and service provided by faith communities like yours. Let us know where you worship so we can connect to make Memphis healthier. Complete the form below to tell us more about you!

Prayers for Our Patients

On the National Day of Prayer, May 2, 2024, we invite you to send prayers to our patients for healing and hope.

Will you add your prayer now? 

We’ll post your prayers on our clinic walls for all of our patients to see!

Send a message by adding your words to the form below!

Also, please join us as we observe the National Day of Prayer on Thursday May 2 at 12:00 p.m. in the Church Health Chapel, located in Crosstown Concourse on the first floor.

Become a Prayer Partner with Church Health

Sign up to become a Church Health prayer partner. Our prayer partners receive a monthly list of patients who have visited Church Health and commit to praying for them regularly.

Church Health Chapel — Prayer. Worship. Music.

Are you looking for somewhere to spiritually recharge? Join us for Church Health Chapel each Thursday at noon as we gather for prayer, worship, song, and reflection. Led by Church Health staff and clergy from across Memphis, drop by and let’s worship God together.

Stay Connected

Sign up to receive inspiration and resources for your faith community and hear the latest from Church Health.

Meet Our Spiritual Care Team

To contact our spiritual care team please send an email to spiritualcare@churchhealth.org

Joshua N

Spirtual Care Director

Shauntese Headshot

Spiritual Care Coordinator

New Guidance for Gathering

With Vaccinations On and Masks Off

Our faith communities know well the impact COVID-19 brought to congregational life. With restrictions easing and congregations looking at resuming gatherings that feel more like they did before the pandemic, we celebrate seeing smiles and faces in person once again.

As we lead through this joyous returning phase, we also do well to carry with us key reminders. Our moral calling is still to love our neighbors. We rely on the medical community and discernment from God to make safe decisions on returning to full congregational life, mindful of the many opportunities to set aside our own gains and defer to the well-being of our neighbors.

We strive for health of the whole faith body. For now we have some who are vaccinated and some who are not, some who feel freedom from masks and some who are advised to wear them—including at church. Children under 12 aren’t eligible for vaccines, and immunocompromised people are vulnerable. Let’s be mindful of everyone in each decision.


Memphis Clergy COVID-19 Response serves as a resource for faith community leaders in response to COVID-19. We will share how faith-based organizations can adapt and continue to serve their communities.

What Leaders Can Do

As leaders, we serve our people well by communicating clearly that the vaccine is the best preventive we have for COVID-19. Even with vaccines being administered in our community, public health experts anticipate it will still take several more months to reach the vaccination goal. Therefore, faith leaders should plan wisely how houses of worship should gather in ways that continue being mindful of health and safety.

Relaxing masks mandates does not mean COVID-19 has disappeared. It does mean the tools we’ve been using to suppress it are working, especially vaccines. Health authorities continue to watch case numbers. We must remain watchful, remembering that some features of worship still present factors that favor transmitting the virus if we have significant numbers of unvaccinated people present. This includes singing, being in close proximity to others, and enclosed spaces.

Public health efforts to manage the ongoing presence of the virus in our community include vaccination, testing, contact tracing, and quarantining contacts of infected people. Cooperation with the efforts is essential. Ultimately, vaccines are the most effective way to mitigate risk.

Create a communication plan that embraces and promotes best health practices for individuals, including remaining at home in the event of any kind of illness. Address misinformation directly when you are aware of it in your congregation. Provide accurate information about vaccines, including where and how to get the shots.

Living into the calling to love one another and our neighbors while COVID-19 passes will show we are God’s people.

Resources & Information

For Faith Communities on Coronavirus/COVID-19

Congregations often first hear that our friends or church family members are sick through the congregational prayer chain, emails, or exchanging information on Sunday mornings. At a time when many members may be anxious about the potential impact of COVID-19, congregations can offer trustworthy information when questions arise and also help to slow the transmission of the virus. Church Health works closely with public health experts and health care partners to ensure we have the most reliable and current information available for our partners in faith:

6 Reasons Why We Need the COVID-19 Vaccine in our Congregation

A Clergy Discussion on Funeral Planning during COVID-19

Building Trust and Equity through Vaccinations

A Conversation with Rev. Dr. J. Lawrence Turner and Dr. Altha Stewart

COVID-19 Delta Variant Q&A

In the Know with Church Health: Here are straightforward answers to a few common questions to support healthy decisions for ourselves and those we love.

COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A

Straightforward answers to common questions about COVID-19 vaccines

Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19

What You Need to Know About COVID-19 Today | 5.08.20

Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19 (Español)

Ayude a Parar la Propagación Del COVID-19 Lo que usted debe saber del COVID-19 a partir de hoy, 8 de Mayo 2020

Vaccination Benefits

Helping You, Helping the Community

Vaccinations, Faith that Changed Public Health History

Vocabulary of Health Disparities (Part 1)

How Faith Leaders Can Understand Racism Injustice and Our Health Care System

Vocabulary of Health Disparities (Part 2)

Racism and Our Health Care System A Conversation with Pastors
Spiritual Care at Church Health Memphis

Memphis Faith Leaders Stand Together

Memphis is a religious city. It’s one of our strengths, and at Church Health we seek to unite people of faith around the call to care for one another. In March 2020, faith leaders came together to release this one-minute video imploring the community to carefully consider COVID-19’s impact on our congregations. It’s a beautiful thing to hear them speak with one voice about the decision to love their neighbors by waiting for in-person worship. While we have come a long way since 2020, the need to care for the health and well-being of our community remains the same. Join us in caring for one another.  

With all God’s blessings,

Spiritual Care at Church Health Memphis

Scott Morris, M.D., M.Div.
Founder & CEO
Church Health