Vision is everything for 85-year-old Dilia Pineda. Memphis became her new home after immigrating from Venezuela in 2018. Where Dilia is from, having a big family is prized, and she wants to see every loving face. Honing her skills in embroidery and fabric painting also keeps her busy.
Dilia’s first experience with Church Health was after suffering stroke symptoms including facial paralysis which caused vison loss and bleeding in her right eye.
“It was horrible, because I saw black after the paralysis. I was living with just one eye,” said Dilia. “With my hobbies, everything is very detailed. I need my eyesight.”
Dilia was referred to our volunteer ophthalmological providers who prescribed a schedule of therapeutic eye injections. Her eyesight is steadily improving along with confidence in Church Health.

“Everyone is wonderful at Church Health,” said Dilia. “The service, treatment, people, all make you feel welcome. I carry you all in my heart.”
Dilia knows the healing mission of Church Health is only possible because generous donors donate generous gifts to Memphians in need.
“Church Health treats everyone with compassion. Those who have, don’t have, live here, aren’t from here, everybody,” said Dilia. “That’s wonderful because it must be that way in the eyes of God. May God give you all strength and help so that you can help us.”
As Memphians’ need for ophthalmological eye care grows, we can meet our neighbors where they are. Healing starts here: Eye Clinic Expansion | Church Health