Dr. Ashley Davis is part of a monthly event called The Mystic, held at Crosstown Concourse and hosted by Crosstown Arts and Church Health to share music and conversation about matters of the spirit. Making and teaching music always came easy for Ashley until what he called “riotous living” slowed him from reaching his full potential.
As a Church Health patient, he was guided by our in-house and volunteer providers to slow the severity of diabetes and hypertension. He was committed to changes, becoming more physically active along taking medication.
“I met with a Church Health nutritionist and learned managing carbs was going to be a priority,” said Ashley. “I also learned to rest better at night for my body to heal itself. My blood pressure is no longer at stroke level.”
Ashley’s health improved and he’s back to work as a professor of music at LeMoyne-Owen College.
“Church Health saves lives, including mine!” said Ashley. “Those who give are putting faith into action and getting folks like me back to a normal life. I wouldn’t be here if not for those gifts. Thank you, Church Health donors!”
Ashley can step back into the classroom confident in his health and that our team of providers are there for him. Donate today so others, like Ashley, can take control of their health —>