
To request medical records, complete and submit form below:

Note: Once medical records request has been submitted, please allow 710 business days for records to be processed.

To check the status of your request, contact the Medical Records department at 901-701-2349.

Did You Know?

You’re able to access portions of your medical records through Patient Portal.

To request Patient Portal access or for any login questions, please call 901-272-0003.

Health Care Provider & Third Party

To request medical records, please submit your authorized medical records release form with the patient’s signed authorization.

Submit form by:

Fax:   901-261-8830

Mail:  Church Health
           1350 Concourse Ave. Suite 142
           Memphis, TN 38104

Note: Once medical records request has been submitted, please allow 7-10 business days for records to be processed.

To check the status of the request, contact the Medical Records department at 901-701-2349.