Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers Headshot 2
Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Rev. Dr. Lillian Lammers

Pastor | First Presbyterian Church Memphis

Rev. Dr. Lillian Hallstrand Lammers is a native of the Chicagoland area, and moved to the Bluff City in the fall of 2018. She was ordained in the UCC in 2010, as she was serving as a professional chaplain at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She most recently served at her alma mater, Vanderbilt Divinity School, as the Director of Stewardship and Vocational Planning. She earned her Doctor of Ministry Degree in 2017, and her doctoral project focused on vocational discernment, a topic that she believes resurfaces again and again throughout our lifetimes. Her theological interests include pastoral care, reconciliation, racial justice and inclusion, and encouraging individuals to use their theological imaginations to better connect with God. Pastor Lillian is involved in the wider-UCC, serving on committees and teaching the History and Polity class to those seeking ordination. 

Pastor Lillian lives in East Memphis with her spouse, Dr. Philip Lammers, a medical oncologist and researcher, and their three daughters – Ingrid, Miriam and Rosemary. You can usually find her with her family looking for animal babies at the Memphis Zoo, taking in the beauty of the Memphis Botanical Gardens, or playing in the fountain and eating Mempops at Crosstown Concourse!